Make a Treasure Box. Use a small, closable box you already have or buy one froma craft or thrift shop. Mine is about 10cm x 5cm and is wooden with a hinged lid and looks like a little sea chest. Decorate it however you like. Then write a list of all the blessings in you life ie a home, clothing, family and friends, nice climate, eyes- whatever you're lucky enough to have. Get some gold cardboard that is white on one side and cut regular circles the size of a dubloon as you imagine them to be. On the flip side you write you blessings and pop them inside the chest.Add new ones as they happen or you think of them. Whenever you're feeling down or 'scarce' you can look in your chest to remember how rich you actually are!
Buy or make yourself a Spring wreath for your front door. Silk or dried flowers last well. You can celebrate in all the seasons this way. Blossoms and new leaves for Spring, ripened grain, grapes or maybe beach themes for the Summer, Autumn leaves and ripened fruit and frosted twigs, berries etc for winter.In this way we acknowledge and celebrate the importance of the passing seasons. Think of other ways you can do this. Perhaps an annual Spring picnic, a Summer Mexican style fiesta night, an Autumn visit to an orchard, a mid-winter story-telling night. Create your own rituals and celebrate life with family and friends.
Take a walk under the huntress moon.
Visit nature in a garden or the wild and enjoy the scent of blossoms, the sound of excited birds, animals and insects (except swarms of hornets) and the sight of fresh green bursting out of the ground.
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